Features - What's Happening in Healthcare Administration?

This features section explores career paths, professors to know, industry changes, and other forces shaping the experience of online MHA students. These features cover the realities of pursuing an online degree, including applications tips, internship requirements, scholarship prospects, and advice for finding a job upon graduation.

Check back regularly for updates, including interviews with program administrators, career profiles, and application tips.

Health Services Manager - A Day in the Life July 11, 2019

Health Services Manager - A Day in the Life

As healthcare becomes more tech-oriented and business-driven, medical facilities will need to retain larger numbers of skilled managers to operate at peak efficiency. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the demand for health services managers to increase by 20 percent over a ten-year horizon—a rate of growth that’s nearly triple the national average for all professions.

Schools with an Exceptional Gerontology Department & Faculty July 1, 2019

Schools with an Exceptional Gerontology Department & Faculty

While the experience of living a long and fulfilling life is worthy of celebration for many, the process of aging comes with its own unique health and economic challenges for older people and their families and friends. So who can people turn to for help in empowering aging people to live healthy and independent lives? Enter the multifaceted professionals in the field of gerontology.

Universities with an Exceptional Nursing Administration Faculty June 14, 2019

Universities with an Exceptional Nursing Administration Faculty

Three schools, in particular, stood out for their accomplished faculty members in nursing administration: the University of Pennsylvania, The University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, and Emory University.

Health Insurance Underwriter - A Day in the Life May 17, 2019

Health Insurance Underwriter - A Day in the Life

For health insurance underwriters, the stakes are high. Approve too many people, and you sink a company that could’ve provided coverage to many more. Approve too few people, and you’re withholding care from someone who needs and deserves it.

Closing the Gap: Women Leading Long-Term Care Facilities May 8, 2019

Closing the Gap: Women Leading Long-Term Care Facilities

In many industries, including long-term care facilities, one is elevated to the C-suite not only through networking and negotiation but also through simply outlasting colleagues. As a result, many of the current demographics in leadership are reflective of a decades-old system and its inherent imbalances.

Regulatory Affairs Manager - A Day in the Life April 16, 2019

Regulatory Affairs Manager - A Day in the Life

With regulations constantly changing and new ones being introduced, it’s no surprise that over 30 percent of organizations increased their regulatory staff in 2017, according to an industry report, and over half of all organizations expect to hire additional staff in the coming year.

Colleges with a Brilliant Healthcare Innovation  Faculty April 3, 2019

Colleges with a Brilliant Healthcare Innovation Faculty

Healthcare innovation is dedicated to changing healthcare for the benefit of all, both healthcare consumers and providers. Forbes' healthcare predictions for 2019 point to the need for leaders in this area, as they estimate that 15 percent of global healthcare spending this year will be connected to a value-based model.

Healthcare Debates: Death with Dignity March 25, 2019

Healthcare Debates: Death with Dignity

The idea behind medical aid in dying is that instead of allowing a disease to dictate the conditions of one's final moments in this life, the person can die on their own terms, with their dignity intact, and often at home.

Closing the Gap: Women Leading Healthcare February 20, 2019

Closing the Gap: Women Leading Healthcare

Women drive healthcare. They are the industry's biggest consumers and workers. They serve as caregivers in their homes and make most decisions for their family's health. Why is it, then, that of the 40 Fortune 500 healthcare companies, not a single one is helmed by a woman?